Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Little Programmer That DAREd

ChinchillaBoy is now telling me I cannot post anything about him on this blog without his permission. I think this is part of a world wide tween kids' conspiracy to shut down all mommy blogs so their mothers would finally get off the Internet and pay attention to them, instead of telling the world what amazing mothers they are. Anyway, now I have no other choice but to post about LilProgrammer. I was going through my old papers one day and found a report that LilProgrammer wrote for his DARE graduation back when he was in fifth grade.

As you probably guessed, I don't really heart DARE. My biggest issue with this program, much like with Operation Keepsake, is that it forces elementary and middle school students to make unrealistic, lifetime promises. I saw a kid's DARE pledge once where he promised not to drink any beer as long as he lives. Good luck with that. But enough talk, here's the report. Notice the creative spelling, as well as the small print in the end.

My DARE Report

I have learned a lot from DARE. Inhalants can kill you the first time you use them. Marawana is only leagel in 2 states. It is going to be ileagal soon. That is just some of the stuff I have learned.

I have learned a lot of important things from DARE. The number of ninth-graders smoking or drinking is becoming less every year. Drugs effect every part of your body. Tobacco kills 400,000 people every year. Alchahol kills you faster than marawana. I learned a lot of other stuff.

The skills that I learned will help me to dicide wether to use tobbaco and alchahol or not. I wont use inhalants because they could kill me in one use. I wont die from one smoke or drink of tobbaco or alchahol but I wont use them. There are many other reasons why I won't use alchahol or tobbaco untill I'm 21 or 18.

This is my commitment to make wise dicisions about drugs. I won't drink and I won't smoke. I won't use inhalants or marawana. There are many other drugs I won't use.

The Goldie has spoken at 11:15 AM

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