Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Come See My Attempts At Writing On My Other Blog

I've been updating my Graphomania. Can you guys check it out maybe? Especially you, Ajooja, and you, Paula. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. I have an awesome instructor and I am an awesome person myself, but an extra pair of eyes always helps, especially if it belongs to a professional. Thx in advance, you guys.

What happened so far is, I sent in a story. It got reviewed and commented on. I started ranting about the comments, and I am nowhere close to being done ranting. Come check it out. It might be more interesting than my boring real life, who knows?

PS. Wordpress kinda rocks. It has so many cool features, like built-in stats, better graphics, linky post titles, "more..." tags. I needed that. But Blogger makes it so much easier for you to screw with your own template, and I love it for that. So now I find myself in love with two men, my husband and my bestest friend two platforms, Wordpress and Blogger. What's a girl to do?!

The Goldie has spoken at 6:23 PM

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